
Laser Skin Care: What Laser Treatments Can Do For You

Perhaps the most common type of laser skin care treatment that’s available today is Vancouver laser hair removal, although there are many other types available that can assist with tightening skin, and even removing the following:

  • Wrinkles
  • Brown spots
  • Blood vessels

There are other forms of laser skin treatments that are also being used to help rejuvenate skin and reverse aging, all of which are becoming very common nowadays. Some of these new treatments are as follows:

Skin Peel/Skin Exfoliation

Lasers can be used to either exfoliate or peel your skin to remove skin that has died, as well as smooth out both fine lines and wrinkles. Once this has been done, you will begin to see a shiny new surface of the skin on your face. New skin cells will then begin to form on a daily basis, and this type of treatment is perhaps the most efficient method to help stimulate the overall production of both these cells and collagen. A couple of the most important benefits of this particular treatment include the removal of wrinkles and receiving a skin that is completely fresh and smooth. Once this procedure has been completed, you will need to allow some time for the skin itself to heal, which is about four to five days.


Non-Ablative Stimulation of New Collagen Within the Deep Skin Layer

One of the leading causes of both acne scars and wrinkles is the overall loss of collagen within the area of the deep facial skin layer, which is also known as the dermis. Collagen can be killed off as the result of sun damage, which can lead to a loss of elasticity and volume in the skin itself. This can then cause your skin to sag and wrinkle. This isn’t like what can happen whenever a plum dries in the sun, which results in it turning into a prune due to loss of water volume. Non-Ablative Fractional Lasers can help to stimulate new collagen production deep within the dermis, and since the skin itself won’t be removed, absolutely no downtime will be required. Some of the benefits of this particular treatment include the following:

  • Plumbing of skin
  • Removal of scars
  • Improvement of wrinkles
  • Removal of pigments

Treating Pigment and Facial Skin Photo Damage

In this instance, photo damage refers to the overall aging effects of the sun that can create dry spots and wrinkles, as well as sun spots, liver spots, etc. Various forms of light technology are extremely effective at removing these imperfections, as any and all excess pigment will be effectively stripped away from the skin. These non-ablative treatments also work great for much deeper pigment removals as well. IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a process that is commonly used to remove pigments from skin, as well as brown spots.

Skin Tightening

While it’s possible to use lasers to tighten skin, it’s not as effective as a lot of other methods that are available. Deep peeling or resurfacing does help to tighten the skin a small bit since deep dermal injury helps to stimulate the production of new collagen, which therefore becomes tighter as time goes on. This type of effect takes months to work after the treatment itself and isn’t as noticeable as a facelift. There are also many newer methods available as well that are a great deal more effective. These are typically performed with either Infrared or Radio Frequency energy machines.

Removing Broken Blood Vessels, Rosacea, and Red Spots

Broken blood vessels on your face can be caused by sun damage, especially around the areas of your cheeks and nose. Lasers can be used to help remove these, as well as broken blood vessels that appear on your legs. Newer treatments, however, are extremely effective at removing the broken vessels, as well as producing a lot less downtime. They are also used much more frequently today.


Hair Removal

As previously mentioned, this is perhaps the most common form of Vancouver laser skin care treatment used today, and there are all sorts of different machines used for this procedure.

Tattoo Removal

This was one of the very first procedures for treating skin using this new kind of light therapy. Different wavelengths are involved for removing tattoos depending on the specific color that is involved. Many treatments will be involved over a period for a single tattoo to be removed; however, it is much better than having to go through surgery, which can result in scars.

Select The Right Doctor

It is recommended that you consult with at least two certified board doctors who specialize in laser treatments. Plastic surgeons and dermatologists are the most experienced professionals to consult with in instances like this.

These new forms of laser skin treatments will leave you with many wonderful benefits regarding skin care; however, the treatment itself is only as good as the doctor who is providing it. If the doctor isn’t appropriately trained, the laser can end up burning your skin, damaging your eyes, or causing you some other form of injury. Never consider having these treatments performed at a spa unless a board certified and experienced plastic surgeon or dermatologist is present.