
Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Opt For Microdermabrasion

This technique is a type of skin resurfacing that is mostly used in the medical spas and clinics in cosmetics the world over. It has been described as affordable and at the same time painless which is a rare combination of such procedures. The result is also pleasing as it has been found out to improve the skin tone in question. Related to this is the fact that it improves the skin texture and should one have acne marks on the skin they are sure of getting rid of them.

Dermatologists the world over use it to do away with hyperpigmentation and problems associated with discoloration of the skin. The fact that it has become famous has made many companies go back to the drawing board and produce a product that can be used at home. In other words, they came up with a home kit. These comprise of scrubs for facials as well as for exfoliating the skin. The home kits produce more or less the same results as going to the clinics.

The fact that there is a home kit may bring into the question the need for one to get professional treatment. It is quite simple if one thinks about it. You cannot downplay the experience that comes with professional hands which have not just once or twice performed the treatment but very many times.

In short, one is in good hands when with a professional. However should that reason not convince you, here are three concrete reasons that hold water on why professional services should be the first option before going for a home kit.

High Intensity That Accompanies Skin Polishing

Dermatologists invest in the most expensive exfoliating machines for these procedures. This means that the procedure goes on without a hitch and that the inner skin is left intact after the dead skin is taken away in the process of exfoliation. Furthermore, the microdermabrasion systems contain aluminum oxide which is not the case with all the home kits. And even though some contain the aluminum oxide crystals, they may not actually remove all the dead skin.

Professional Hands Will Execute The Job Better

The clinical set up is better given that one is under a scope of professionals. There are supervision and follow-up during the procedure just in case there are some setbacks. The certified dermatologist will carry out some procedures that your friend or family member cannot. One’s skin type is important to be known for carrying out the procedure, and only a professional can do this. The dermatologists may also know which chemicals to mix to achieve mild effects.

The Safer Option

The reasons listed intertwine in one way or the other. The fact that the dermatologist will not only use their wealth of experience to treat you but also sterilized equipment just to mention but a few, gives one the sense of safety. The supervision and the clinical set up also come into question.

Armed with all the facts, microdermabrasion which is professional takes the day.
